Frequently Asked Questions

Self Defence Frequently Asked Questions


Will my child become violent as a result of training in martial arts?

Our school is a family orientated school. We go to great lengths through our life skills programme to educate students about life and the natural consequences that come from actions and inaction. At South East Self defence we teach real-world self-defence but we also teach verbal strategies, conflict resolution, safety strategies and so much more. A rounded approach to our training lets students have lots of ways to solve a problem before the use of physical force. Our Physical force options are graded from level 1 non-violent up to level 3 as highly effective.

Where are you located?

We have two convenient Sunshine Coast locations – at Warana and Bli Bli. See map locations on our Contact Page.

Do I need a uniform?

Yes, all students must wear a Jujutsu uniform – also known as a Gi.  These uniforms a reasonably priced and we often have enrolment offers that include a FREE uniform.

Will my child undergo rigorous testing?

Yes, in most cases that progression through the coloured “belts” does require minimum standards and rigorous testing. In the case of our Little Dragons, however, there is not testing as Little Dragons is a pre-martial arts program more about fun, friendships and physical activity.

Free uniform on enrolment

Start today with one free lesson, $49 for the first month and free uniform